Teachers’ Professional Development through Project Based Learning (PBL) Godawari Residential School
June 14, 2023
As a Part of continuous Professional Growth of the teachers, Godawari Residential School organized another training session on Project-Based Learning (PBL) on 27th Jestha, 2080. The session was facilitated by Asst. Prof. Indra Mani Shrestha from Kathmandu University under Continuing and Professional Education Center (CPEC). The four-hour interactive session was focused on the context, experience, research and analysis for making the project-based learning more effective and meaningful in day-to- day classroom practice.
The facilitator began by explaining the fundamental principles of PBL through real-life examples and projects where students are encouraged to explore and investigate topics, collaborate with their peers and develop their critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The session mainly focused not just acquiring the knowledge but on applying that knowledge into meaningful tasks. The very teaching approach empowers students to take ownership of their learning and deepen understanding regarding subject matter.
During the session, the hands-on experiences allowed teachers participating and witnessing the enthusiasm of PBL implication. Moreover, the effective strategies for designing and implementing projects, such as defining clear objectives, scaffolding tasks during project, and providing regular feedback to students were also the major topic discussed in the session.
That is why, incorporating PBL approach into the teaching practice gracefully, one can create a dynamic learning environment that encourages curiosity, creativity, and collaboration in classroom teaching and learning. It is not only useful to enhance the students' academic achievements but also equips them with essential skills for success in their future endeavors.
Last Updated Date: 2023-06-14,Wednesday
Published By: School of Education
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